I have long since wondered about the things of life, the many questions one asks themselves at least several times in their life here on earth. What is the purpose of my being here? Why things are the way they are etc. I was waiting for a huge sign from God to let me know of my worth, as most crazy humans do. But looking back now, I am beginning to realize I HAVE had a huge sign from God about my worth, I just missed it with my clouded human eyes because I was looking at myself. You may be wondering what all of this has to do with a photographer in Burlington, NC but I am not defined by my career, rather it is defined by me, and by letting myself be transparent and honest with you and myself, you can better understand my heart, who I am and where my art comes from. So for the sake of keeping things fun and lighthearted, I shall title this section of my page as The Odyssey, defined by Webster as...

"A long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune and an intellectual or spiritual wandering of quest."