
Soulmates Collection - $3000.00

Our Soulmates Collection is our very best and most popular. Complete with both Engagement and Bridal sessions this is rated the best choice of coverage for your investment by our 2014 brides.

* Engagement Session
* Bridal Session
* 12x12 Album
* Two main photographers with up to 10 hours of wedding day coverage
* A private online proofing gallery


Romance Collection - $2299.00

Our Romance Collection contains our basic options with beautiful simplicity.

* Two main photographers with up to 10 hours of wedding day coverage
* A private online proofing gallery                                                                    

A  La Carte

Engagement Session - $500.00
Bridal Session - $500.00
Trash the Dress - $500.00
Wedding Image CD - $1000.00

Print Prices
8x10 - $25.00
10x13 - $65.00
11x14 - $75.00
16x20 - $145.00
20x24 - $220.00
24x36 -$336.00



*All pricing is subject to change without notice until signed contract and deposit are on file.

What To Expect

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If you decide to book with Noelle Studios we will try to learn as much about you and your interests.

We would schedule a chat or a meeting based around your schedule over the next few days. You can visit us at our studio or we can meet at your location.

This meeting is more to determine that our personalities are a good fit! It’s so important to mesh with your photographer and have great chemistry!

Once we have you on our calendar for your wedding, we’ll begin planning your engagement session and/or bridal session dates and locations.

Getting married is such an exciting time in your life and these sessions are the perfect way not only to document it, but it allows us the opportunity to get to know each other a little better.

It’s all about learning how we each work and get comfortable before your  wedding day.

Once your wedding day is here, I will get to the venue and begin taking detail shots when I can and getting set up in the reception area. We stay with you throughout your whole day, beginning to exit. We don't charge by the hour as some wedding photographers do.

When your images are ready, the process is much like your portrait sessions. We'll post the teasers, blog your images,  upload your images to a password protected gallery to share with your friends and family and then begin work on your album!

Its a fun and seamless process. Our goal is to make your wedding planning experience more enjoyable and turn your moments into tangible memories.


Features Overview

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Engagement Sessions

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Nulla eu pretium massa. Aliquam bibendum, turpis eu mattis iaculis, ex lorem mollis sem, ut sollicitudin risus orci quis tellus. Sed a ligula quis sapien lacinia egestas.


A stylized Session

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Suspendisse nec congue purus. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


A TRaditional Session

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Donec eu est non lacus lacinia semper. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper. Nulla lectus ante, consequat et ex eget, feugiat tincidunt metus. Vivamus a ante congue, porta nunc nec, hendrerit turpis.




Engagement sessions are a great opportunity to celebrate this unique phase of life. It’s great to practice before the wedding day!

At Noelle Studios, we want the portrait process to be as synergistic as possible, and so having some time to work on posing together as well as get a feel for your taste before the big day is essential to the process. You learn to trust me. Trust is so essential to our relationships with my clients and when our
clients see that we understand them, and that we know how to make them look fantastic in their photos, we can get down to the business of making great photos. It’s just plain fun.

Engagement photos are a great excuse to put aside the stressful parts of planning a wedding and just enjoy one another and have some fun together... and you get to use the photos for save-the-date cards, guest books and other pre-wedding items to make your special day even better.

The Bridal Session

A Bridal session is a photo session centered around the bride in her wedding dress that takes place prior to the wedding day, typically a southern tradition.

This is a matter of personal preference.  Many clients have told me that they were really glad they did the bridal session.  It’s a nice trial run at walking around in your dress; and through the process, some of my brides have discovered that they needed to adjust something – whether an alteration to the fit of the dress or a tweaking of the hair, makeup, or bouquet.  We’ll have an opportunity to take photos of you by yourself in your dress on your wedding day, but it won’t be in such a leisurely and extended fashion.

I recommend scheduling your bridal session with me as far in advance as possible.  The actual session should take place at least 6 weeks before your wedding date to allow enough processing time in case you want to display an image or two from the bridal session on your wedding day.

 Weddings are it, where our heart is.

They are such an outward expression of emotion. True beauty in its purest form that begs to be captured somehow. I don't do it through a camera and lens, I do it through art. I do what I do as a need, an insatiable desire to create something beautiful. I don't see weddings as events or ceremonies but as beautiful stories, each person a different chapter, a work of art, every one different from the next and none the same I see sunlight and happiness, joy and tears. but most of all I see hope.  We aren't there to coax emotion out of you for good photos we are there to capture the raw emotion, love and especially the hope of a new life just beginning. We produce what we see.

Your love story.

Everyone has a story, I am privileged to have my own personal collection of fairy tales on my shelf, all who have become dear friends and allowed me to share in their love story. We want your fairy tale to be in our collection as well! We don't write your love story we just add the pictures! 

We look forward to working with you to create something Beautiful!

 Click below to fill out our questionnaire.

The Benefits Of An Unplugged Wedding

We spend the majority of our lives plugged into some device  laptop, phone, tv, etc. It is crucial that we take the time to unplug and be truly present in the moments that matter.

By asking your guests to turn off their devices, you are asking them to experience the day with you and be part of the love that you are feeling and wish to share with them. You are asking them to relate to you and their world through their experiences, rather than relating through their LCD screens. Ask your guests to be truly present and participate rather than being observers.

Additionally, you have put a lot of time and effort into choosing the perfectly matched photographers to your style, personality and needs. When you get your pictures back do you want them of your guests enjoying your day or of your guests experiencing the day through downturned faces toward their devices?

While we can be the first to admit to this, stand up and proudly announce our, often obsessive, love for smart phones, we also believe strongly in the power of turning them off and being present in the moment.